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Aspirin is like  everyday painkiller for pains and aches such as headache, stomach ache or body ache. It is also known as acetylsalicylic acid. You can buy most types of aspirin from any local shop or supermarket. like it is easily available. It comes as tablets and as a mouth gels too. Aspirin is also called by the brand names Caprin, Disprin, and Nu-Seals.
Never give aspirin to child aged less than 16 unless doctors prescribes it. People aged 16 or above can safely take aspirin. However, aspirin isn't suitable for some people. the usual  dose of aspirin is 1 or 2 tablets in  4- 5 hours. It comes in variety like you can swallow a tablet with water or you can dissolve it in a glass of water. It's safe to take aspirin with other tablets but don't forget to consult with doctor. Aspirin can cause side effects like other medicines. common side effects of an aspirin like mild indigestion etc.
It happens  rarely, but some people have side effects after taking an aspirin like blood in your vomit or pee , yellow skin and eyes , swollen feet or hands. You'll be needing doctor if any of these happens. In some cases, aspirin may give you some allergies too. some signs of having serious allergies are - getting a rash skin , having trouble breathing or talking and swelling of the face, lips etc. Contact a doctor straight away if you think you or someone around you is having a any signs of allergies.
It's safe to take aspirin as a painkiller in the first 6 months of pregnancy (up to 30 weeks). And after that don' take aspirin as your painkiller because it will create some problems for both you and your child. For most women, paracetamol is safe and best to take in the late pregnancy.
But main thing is consult your doctor before taking any kind of medicine.


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