ATG | Education

Getting an internship is now easy

Across The Globe helps students search for 50K internships from 20K+ companies (and growing) which matches their skills and helps to build their career.

Get Internships that you would love to do.

Switching your domain to find an internship that fulfill your dream was never easier.

Popular searches:

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Apply with confidence

Only verified companies are allowed to post internships.

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Build your profile

Build an online profile with all your interests and professional achievements for recruiters to find you.

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Work from home

More than 90% internships on Across The Globe are work from home type.

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Learn and earn

Earn a stipend of up to Rs. 30,000 per month.

Here is why you’ll love Across The Globe

Across The Globe has one main target, and that is to make sure that students get an internship in a healthy environment. 

How it works?

Follow the following steps so that you can understand how to get an internship and get selected by the company you are applying for.

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Latest Internships

Business Analysis


1. Create a detailed business analysis, abstract the problems, opportunities, and solutions for a bu...

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20K+ verified companies are hiring interns on Across The Globe.


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We care about our customer’s experience and we love to have feedback. Here is what they think about Across the globe.